My journey into the realm of visual arts began with a BFA in 3D Animation, Sequential Art, and Art History from the renowned Savannah College of Art and Design. Equipped with a formidable arsenal of skills honed over years of experience, both as a freelancer and in full-time rolls, each experience enriched my repertoire, shaping me into the versatile and adaptable creative professional I am today.
As a Creative Director, I bring to life a vision that transcends conventional boundaries, infusing every project with a blend of creativity, strategy, and technical finesse. My hands-on approach extends from conceiving compelling storyboards to meticulously directing shoots, ensuring every frame resonates with authenticity and impact.
I’ve brought my talents to bear for clients such as The Oprah Winfrey Show, 20th Century’s Empire, The Voice, Dyson, US Steel, Walgreens, The Chicago Cubs, and PayPal (just to name drop a few).
No matter the size of the client or budget, I give my all on every project I’m lucky enough to be involved in because when you love what you do as much as I do, there’s no other option.